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Getting data in

First set the working directory


In windows, either single forward slashes as above, or double backslashes.

Then read in a csv file

dat <- read.csv(file = "filename.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Headers are TRUE by default, and one can set the separator to something other than the default comma with r sep = "|"

Omitting quote="" may result in R not reading all rows in, weirdly. Another potential gotcha occurs with comments. Reading in a data file you might come across the following error:

Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  : 
  line 361853 did not have 20 elements

So, for some reason this line does not have the same number of variables as all the others, and R declines to load in the file. The reason why is given here.
In this instance, line 361853 contained a string variable with a hash symbol in it. R sees this as a comment character and so ignores the rest of the line. This is resolved by adding comment.char="" to the read.csv() command.

It’s generally worth checking that the data has imported correctly:


This prints the first six lines of the dataframe.

If you’re feeling more advanced, it’s possible to loop over files in a directory and append them to a single data frame. e.g.

setwd() # give actual path here
files <- list.files(pattern = ".txt")

for (i in 1:length(files)){
  z <- read.delim(files[i], header = TRUE, sep = "|")
  if (!exists("x")){
    x <- z
    x <- rbind(z, x)

for the exists() statement, the object needs to be in quote marks otherwise it doesn’t work.

What if your data have different numbers of columns though? rbind() won’t work in this situation. I found this online.

#shamelessly pinched from here:

rbind.all.columns <- function(x, y) {
  x.diff <- setdiff(colnames(x), colnames(y))
  y.diff <- setdiff(colnames(y), colnames(x))
  x[, c(as.character(y.diff))] <- NA
  y[, c(as.character(x.diff))] <- NA
  return(rbind(x, y))

Really basic stuff

If you’ve succeeded in getting your data in, then you probably want to start trying some calculations.

mean(data$var1, na.rm=TRUE)

This will calculate the mean of the values in variable var1. The na.rm statement tells R to exclude any missing values.

Installing and loading libraries

install.packages("library name")

then choose the mirror site of choice. To use in scripts:


Capturing errors to a logfile

error.file <- file("new_errorfile.txt", open = "wt")
sink(error.file, type = "message")

Installing packages from github

httr::set_config(httr::use_proxy("",8080)) # replace 123... with your proxy settings